Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pray for our Shepherds, and do not Judge

Our Lady's July 02, 2012 message through Mirjana contained yey another exhortation to pray for our shepherds. It also contained a caution against judging them.

"...Pray as I do for your shepherds. Again I caution you: do not judge them, because my Son chose them. Thank you."

This nudged my own conscience as I have been personally guilty on this blog of having criticised certain bishops involved in Medjugorje. So, I am making it my personal goal to not again speak critically or judgementally of any member of the clergy.

Instead, I will simply pray and let God's will be done in all circumstances. 

Indeed, they deserve and greatly need our prayers. 

Heavenly Father, I bring to you in prayer every one of your holy shepherds, whom You have personally chosen to lead your Church. How easy it is to criticise and judge them. Yet, we know so little of the trials and temptations they endure daily. Lord, forgive us and help us to love and help our shepherds as much as we can. Strengthen them daily with Your Holy Spirit as they rise in the mornings and relieve them of all burdens as they retire at night.  Safeguard your shepherds Oh Lord - the pillars of your Church on earth - the ones whom you have entrusted to guide and nurture your people. Thank you Lord, Amen.

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