Sunday, November 6, 2011

Contraception, Abortion - What does Heaven Say?

The following is an excerpt from a literal text of the revelations made by the human demon Verdi-Garandieu during a series of exorcisms (December 8, 1977, March 25 and April 5, 1978)

Imprimatur: + Archbishop Stanley Monaghan. Necedah, Wisconsin , January 4, 2003 A.D.
Nihil obstat: Rev. Mr. John R. Walsh, B.A. St. John's Seminary; Boston, Massachusetts USA

The Abbot Verdi-Garandieu was a priest of the diocese of Tarbes in the seventeenth century.

"It is I, Verdi-Garandieu, who am telling you that it is necessary to pray constantly so that priests and lay people may continue in perseverance. It is necessary for priests in particular to know that it must be announced from the height of the pulpit, that prayer is more and more essential in our days. It is necessary to recall that perseverance along the road of the cross is the law of happiness, because he who knows how to bear (trials) is placing himself on the road to Heaven.

In particular, people who are poor must be told that they have to be content to bear their misfortune because it is later on that they will be profoundly happy in Heaven. Even if the poor have to bear (privations), these are, all things considered, still a long way away from the fastings and sacrifices which were accepted by, for example, the Curé of Ars, and other great Saints, right up to the very end of their lives. It is necessary to tell the poor that they should thank the Lord for the lot in which He has placed them, because acceptance of poverty can help them to imitate Jesus Christ more.

Thank the Good God, because in accordance with the kind of poverty that you have, you also have much less time when you could, be succumbing to temptations, since it is necessary for you to work all the time. Those who are endowed with a large family, and who, as a consequence, have much to do to educate and feed them, must thank the Good God three times a day, because in these circumstances, they have every chance of escaping from the pleasures of the world and of preparing themselves better for the Kingdom of Heaven where their place is reserved.

When the fourth child comes into some families, then there is a drama both for the people around and for the family itself. What is to be done? What is true for the fourth is true for the second or the third; and, unfortunately, the priests enter into a spirit of understanding when these complaints are presented to them and agree that the faithful may make use of the pill to avoid the child. The faithful do not realize the danger into which they are putting themselves, because between the taking of the pill (already a serious fault) and abortion (an even more serious fault), the distance is short.

ABORTION IS MURDER and, consequently, a very grave sin. In our times, people are unwilling to accept as the truth, what has been believed for thousands and thousands of centuries beforehand. So, even if God does not punish onanism straight away, as He punished the crime of Onan, our God considers the means of birth control to be as serious as anything which is done. You just imagine then, what He thinks of abortion! FOR ALL THESE MISDEEDS ARE CONTRARY TO THE PLAN OF SALVATION CONCEIVED BY GOD."

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